
What Is Power BI?

You’ve seen the term everywhere, you hear it’s important to your business, and your boss keeps asking to see a dashboard of your company metrics. But what actually is Power BI? Simply put, Power BI is Microsoft’s business analytics software that connects with all your data sources, combines them into related tables, and then allows

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Need Help Collaborating? Microsoft 365’s Upgraded Comments Can Help!

One of the most challenging aspects of producing documents as a team is ensuring each contributor collaborates and responds to colleagues’ new ideas, concerns, and revision requests. Over the years, Microsoft has delivered new methods to enhance this effort again and again, such as SharePoint document sharing and enhancements to the Track Changes feature. Now

Need Help Collaborating? Microsoft 365’s Upgraded Comments Can Help! Read More »

Are You Using Microsoft Bookings Yet to Book Meetings Seamlessly?

Few things are more frustrating than back-and-forth emails with customers, partners, and vendors about when to hold a meeting. What’s your record for the number of emails sent before a meeting invitation goes out? Luckily, there are many solutions out there to make this process seamless, and for those of you already using a Microsoft

Are You Using Microsoft Bookings Yet to Book Meetings Seamlessly? Read More »